Beyond stigmas, HIPSTER/MUSLIM aims to start a conversation. Through personal interviews about identity, prejudices, faith – it’s a new playground given to speech.
Stereotypes are trendy. On the package, the ones are tagged ‘progressive’ and the others ‘conservative’. To play with clichés to better break them down. That is the spirit. Neither black nor white, the ‘hipsters’ and ‘Muslims’ concepts are now available in 50 shades of grey.
Beyond stigmas, HIPSTER/MUSLIM aims to start a conversation. Through personal interviews about identity, prejudices, faith – it’s a new playground given to speech.
After Rotterdam (2014), Amsterdam (2015) and Antwerp (2016), the HIPSTER/MUSLIM PROJECT arrives in Brussels. This time, the focus is on the channel area – a frontier that divides both physically and symbolically the city centre and Molenbeek.